Collection: Buhner Herb Collection

Stephen Buhner was a leading American herbalist and author, most well known for his work in studying and treating Lyme Disease and Chronic Lyme through naturopathic means. His book "Healing Lyme..." is ever-increasing in popularity as cases of Lyme explode and folks look towards natural means to fill the gaps of traditional Western medicine's lacking treatment for this mysterious disease.

If you've found your way here, it's likely that you're already familiar with Buhner's work. You may be looking for products related to his protocol, which we offer below, in addition to the the herbs he recommends in "Healing Lyme" in various different formats (tinctures, capsules, and dry herbs).

While we are happy to provide you with a comprehensive selection of products recommended by Stephen Buhner, please note that we ourselves are not naturopathic practitioners. Because of this, as per FDA regulations, our team is unable to offer anything that may be misconstrued as medical advice, prescription, or diagnosis. This means that we cannot recommend specific herbs or tinctures to you, or tell you what dosages to take.

Before purchasing your choice of herbs, please understand what dosages will be necessary for your preferred treatment plan and order accordingly, so that there are no lapses in your treatment. We highly recommend working with a Lyme-literate integrative medicine doctor or naturopathic health practitioner to help you along your healing journey, as it can often feel frustrating and overwhelming to do alone!